Nathan Barnatt

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How to Write a Scary Story: A Comprehensive Guide

A scary story has the power to captivate readers and send shivers down their spines. Whether you're an aspiring writer or simply looking to craft a spooky tale for Halloween, this guide will walk you through the process of creating a bone-chilling narrative that will leave your audience craving more. In this article, you'll discover the dos and don'ts of writing a scary story, essential tips for crafting a gripping plot, and answers to frequently asked questions about the horror genre.

Considerations for Writing a Scary Story

Before you dive headfirst into the world of horror writing, there are some essential considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Choosing a Writing Style: Your writing style sets the tone for your story. Decide whether you want to go for psychological horror, supernatural elements, or a mix of both. Your style will influence the atmosphere of your narrative.
  2. Creating a Suspenseful Setting: The setting of your story should be as much a character as your protagonists. Describe it in vivid detail to immerse your readers in the eerie ambiance of your tale.
  3. Developing Relatable Characters: Readers need to connect with your characters, even in a scary story. Flesh out your protagonists and antagonists to make their struggles and fears palpable.
  4. Using Sensory Details: Engage your readers' senses with descriptive language. Describe the sights, sounds, smells, and textures of the terrifying world you've created.
  5. Building Suspense: The key to a successful scary story is maintaining a sense of impending dread. Pace your narrative to keep readers on the edge of their seats.
  6. Choosing an Engaging Plot: Your plot should be riddled with twists and turns, leading to a shocking climax. Surprise your readers, but ensure your story remains coherent.

Now that you have a grasp of the fundamental considerations, let's delve deeper into the art of writing a good scary story.

Writing a Good Scary Story from Scratch

Writing a scary story from scratch can be a thrilling endeavor. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Choose a Terrifying Concept

The first step in crafting a scary story is selecting a bone-chilling concept. Consider what terrifies you or tap into common fears. It could be ghosts, monsters, psychological torment, or the unknown.

Step 2: Develop Your Characters

Create well-rounded characters that your readers can relate to. Make them vulnerable and sympathetic, as their fear will resonate with your audience.

Step 3: Craft an Eerie Setting

Your setting should be a character in itself. Describe it in detail, using sensory language to immerse your readers in the unsettling atmosphere.

Step 4: Build Tension

Gradually build tension throughout your story. Use pacing, foreshadowing, and the unknown to keep your readers engaged and anxious.

Step 5: Unleash the Horror

When the time is right, unleash the horror upon your characters and, by extension, your readers. Make the scares unexpected and shocking.

Step 6: Deliver a Memorable Climax

Your story's climax should be a culmination of terror and suspense. It's the moment that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Writing Resources

If you're looking for additional guidance and inspiration, there are plenty of writing resources available. Consider joining writing communities, attending workshops, or reading books on the art of storytelling. These resources can provide valuable insights and support to help you refine your scary story.

Dos and Don'ts of Writing a Scary Story

Before you set off on your scary story-writing journey, let's explore some dos and don'ts to ensure your narrative is spine-tinglingly successful:


  • Do create relatable characters.
  • Do build suspense and tension.
  • Do use sensory details to immerse your readers.
  • Do surprise your readers with unexpected twists.
  • Do deliver a memorable and chilling climax.


  • Don't rely solely on gore and violence for scares.
  • Don't introduce too many supernatural elements without explanation.
  • Don't rush the development of your characters or plot.
  • Don't overuse clichés or predictable horror tropes.
  • Don't neglect the importance of a well-crafted setting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long should a scary story be?

A: Scary stories can vary in length, but a typical short story ranges from 1,000 to 7,500 words. Novels in the horror genre can be longer, often exceeding 70,000 words.

Q: What's the key to writing a truly terrifying story?

A: The key to a terrifying story lies in the buildup of tension and the unexpected. Create relatable characters, immerse your readers in the setting, and deliver shocks that they won't see coming.

Q: Can I mix different subgenres of horror in my story?

A: Absolutely! Mixing subgenres, such as psychological horror and supernatural elements, can create a unique and chilling narrative. Just ensure that the different elements work together cohesively.

Q: How can I overcome writer's block while writing a scary story?

A: To overcome writer's block, take breaks, read other horror stories, or try writing exercises to stimulate your creativity. Sometimes stepping away from your work can lead to new insights.

Final Thoughts

Writing a scary story is both an art and a skill. It requires careful planning, a mastery of suspense, and the ability to send shivers down your readers' spines. As you embark on your terrifying journey, remember to stay true to your unique style and voice. Whether you're crafting a short story or a novel, the thrill of crafting a narrative that haunts your readers is a rewarding experience.

Useful Resources: